Visual Design 05

Visual Design client ShopIX Tasks Webshop Template Design, Logo Design tools Adobe Illustrator / Adobe Photoshop / Sketch Template webdesignDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetail Previous slide Next slide The perfect webshop for your niche ShopIX is an Iddiz B.V. proprietary eCommerce SaaS product. With the system, businesses can choose from a range of in-house designed templates to match their brand and branch. Skeuomorphic and flat design elements were used to create a leather sneaker experience. Share this Project Check out some more Designs Projects
Visual Design 03

Visual Design client ShopIX Tasks Webshop Template Design tools Adobe Illustrator / Adobe Photoshop / Sketch Template designDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetail Previous slide Next slide A tailor-made webshop for your niche ShopIX is an Iddiz B.V. proprietary eCommerce SaaS product. With the system, businesses can choose from a range of in-house designed templates to match their brand and branch. Skeuomorphic and flat design elements were used to create a typical kite surfing experience. Share this Project Check out some more Designs Projects
Visual Design 02

Visual Design client Marteco B.V. Tasks Logo design / Landing page design / Stationery design tools Adobe Illustrator / Adobe Photoshop / Sketch / Adobe Première Landing page designDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetail Previous slide Next slide Software for media and culture Marteco B.V. is engaged in the development, production and publishing of software consultancy in the field of management and business operations. With the recent shift to the media and culture sector, it was time for a tight implementation of their house style and landing page. The website is designed based on the logo design. Movie editing was done for the showreel preview in the logo – header section. Share this Project Check out some more Designs Projects
Visual Design 01

Visual Design client Medialoc B.V. Tasks Logo design and website / Landing page / Detailpage tools Adobe Illustrator / Adobe Photoshop / Sketch Landingpage designDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailDetailpageDetailDetailDetailDetail Previous slide Next slide Movies whenever wherever Medialoc B.V. is a software and event company that provides solutions for event and festival organizers to set up a tailor-made online platform. They provide live streams, on-demand video, meetings, interaction with the public, etc. Because their customer base is expanding more professionally, they want a total redesign of their corporate identity and landing page. The logo was the starting point for the look and feel of the landing page. Share this Project Check out some more Designs Projects
EBC – Logo design
EBC (Evangelical Business Companions) is een internationaal platform voor ondernemers met een christelijk oogmerk.
El Shaddai – Logo- en expo design
Voor een start-up christelijke kerk heeft JAM16 een eigentijds logo, roll-up banner en website ontworpen.
Reel8 App Campaign – Logo Viska Website
Reel8 App is een nieuw christelijk sociaal platform voor kerken. Voor een ‘early adopters’ campagne op The Passion is een huisstijl en campagne-concept bedacht en uitgevoerd door JAM16.
Your Epic Fotografie – Logo Viska Website
Voor een startend fotografie bedrijf heeft JAM16 een vlot logo, visitekaart en website ontworpen.
Be Positive Trainings – Logo & Website

Voor een startend Personal Training bedrijf heeft JAM16 een sportief logo en website ontworpen.